Thursday, 15 January 2015

Task 1 - Pros and Cons of Digital and Print Magazines

Pros and Cons of Digital and Print Magazines

Digital Magazines


For the magazine publishing companies, probably the main benefit of digital magazines is the overall price of producing the magazine is a lot cheaper. This is because there is no need to print the magazine then distribute it. A digital magazine cuts out both of these processes out as once the magazine is made it can be sent to the customer for free on digital media platforms like iPads. This also makes the magazine more eco-friendly. 

Another advantage is that you can add interactive elements to the magazine, this can include videos, music etc. This can appeal to many people because it can have parts where you do not need to read. 

Interactive media in digital magazine can make use be used to advertise more effectively by using video and animations to make the advert get noticed.   

Images can be used better because you can have large images on one page with text on another page. You can also zoom in and move around pictures allowing readers to look at pictures with greater detail.

They can be made for any brand or industry allowing the magazine to be versatile. Also, it can be accessed globally making the product widely accessible. 

Finally, it allows users to keep all previous magazines if they want to read them again. This takes up no space compared to keeping physical copies of the magazine which means your collection is portable.

Easier for the designer to change layout or content and the content is more up to date.


A negative of digital magazines is that you need a computer, phone or tablet to be able to read it and an internet connection to be able to download it. There are very few people who don't own something to read it on however there are people who don't enjoy read on screens and prefer a physical printed magazine. It can also be harder to read on small screens on mobile devices.

If interactive content is used the magazine may be more confusing because of the extra content, for example advertising banners popping up.

Designer has to think technically when making the magazine as it needs to fit on different devices, such as different mobiles and tablets.

Print Magazines


An advantage of print magazines  is that you have a physical copy to read that is always available and doesn't need internet to download. This means it can be taken anywhere which people like to do, for example if you are travelling you can't guarantee that there will be internet to download a digital magazine. This makes a physical copy reliable and portable.

Some readers find that they would prefer to read a printed magazine. This means that if the magazine they enjoy turns digital they will probably not read it therefore the magazine may lose readers.

You don't need to wait for the magazine and content to download which could take along time and ruin the readers experience. After you have bought a printed magazine it is instantly available. 

It is easier to ignore adverts in a physical copy of a magazine because if there is an advert you can just turn the page whereas in a digital magazine it might make you watch an advert.

They are less delicate and can be thrown in a bag without the worry of damaging it which you can't do with an iPad or similar devices.

Finally, some people like having a physical copy that they can keep or collect.


One of the main disadvantages of printed magazines are the cost and time needed for printing and distribution. It can cost a lot to print a glossy magazine and then it needs to be delivered either to the readers home or a shop. This means that the magazine can be limited to a small area as is is to difficult to distribute globally. 

Also, the time taken between printing the magazine and it being available to read is quite a long time meaning that news can change and the magazine would be out of date. 

Can be shared so it can't be tracked by publisher which means that they don't know who is reading it.

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